Mount Mayon: The Pursuit That Led Me To An Unexpected Discovery
The clock was ticking, and we were in a race against time. Drenched in sweat and hearts beating rapidly, we pushed our way to the top of Quitinday Hills and Nature Park, hoping to catch a glimpse of a legend. This was the final stop of our Albay day tour and our best chance to see Mount Mayon in all its glory.
And this might be my only chance to see her.
Although time wasn’t on our side, there was no way we’d pass up the chance to see the iconic Mayon Volcano.
After climbing a flight of concrete stairs and a short trail, I finally reached the top of the park.

As much as I wanted to spend an hour admiring everything, we had to keep moving.
If we’d spend more time admiring it, we might miss our flight back home.
Suddenly, memories of an unfortunate experience at Bacolod–Silay Airport flooded my mind.
Ironically, it was that airport mishap that sparked my journey to see Mount Mayon.
The journey to Mount Mayon
5 months earlier at Bacolod–Silay Airport
It was a day of smiles in the “City of Smiles”.
From elaborate masks to the whimsical it was a day filled with life and colors.
It was a day of smiles in the “City of Smiles.”
From elaborate masks to the whimsical Campuestohan Highland Resort, the day was filled with life and color.
Even though it was a gloomy day, my cameras were packed with snapshots of joy.
And I was ready to head home with a heart full of memories from this whirlwind adventure.
Then, something unexpected happened.
At the airport, I sat in the boarding area, waiting for my flight.
Everything seemed normal at first, from the hum of conversations to the rustle of bags being zipped up.
But something felt off.
My eyes wandered around, scanning the whole boarding area.
There was tension in the air.
Stress and anxiety were etched on the faces of almost every passenger in the room.
It felt like a premonition or a scene from the first installment of the Final Destination movie series.
I stood up, stretched my legs, and got ready to board.
But as I approached the counter, my phone buzzed in my hand.
A text message from the airline lit up the screen, saying “Your flight to Cebu has been canceled.”
I couldn’t help but curse under my breath.
Nobody wants a delayed flight, but a canceled one?
That’s a whole new level of frustration.
I asked one of the employees about the status of the flight, and she did confirm it was canceled.
Then, I followed their instructions and went to their counter to proceed to the next step.
And damn!
It was a long and tedious process!
While waiting, I couldn’t stop thinking about something an ex-girlfriend once told me after she broke up with me.
It was a deep parting line that, in a bizarre poetic way, became one of my life’s mantras.
“Everything happens for a reason,” she said.
I once hated that line, but it became an important quote whenever I was in a stressful situation.
As I sat there, tired, frustrated, and stuck in a place I didn’t want to be, I couldn’t help but think what’s the reason this time?
Cebu: Day 0 of my Mount Mayon adventure
There was only one reason I made this trip to Albay: to admire the beauty of Mount Mayon.
The trip was all about Mount Mayon.
Ever since I was a child, I’ve dreamt of seeing this famous volcano.

From textbooks to banknotes, this natural wonder has been part of our lessons and culture.
She isn’t just a volcano.
She’s a symbol, a story, and a legend.
Back then, I thought I’d only ever see Mayon Volcano in textbooks.
And this time, it seemed this dream was about to become a reality, even though this trip almost didn’t happen.
2 weeks earlier: Mount Mayon will have to wait
Sometimes, it’s tough for a traveler to live in the Philippines.
I mean.
We have to deal with typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and intense tropical heat throughout the year.
And did I mention corruption?
I was excited and ready to finally see Mount Mayon in Albay.
I booked our flights and accommodations about a month earlier, and since then, I had been looking forward to this trip.
But then, the Universe had other plans.
As I scrolled through Facebook, I found out that an intense super typhoon was coming to Albay and the rest of the Philippines.
Moments later, I received a message from the airline saying my flights were canceled because of the storm.
I have to deal with canceled flights again.
What’s the reason behind this?
Is there a reason for this or am I just cursed?
That must be it.
I think bad luck seems to follow me around wherever I go. Malas for life.
There’s always something going on, like a storm, a delay or a random plot twist worthy of a movie.
It’s as if the Universe looks at my itinerary and wants to spice things up a bit.
But maybe, there’s something to it.
A reason?
Or maybe I was just making excuses to feel better about it.
All I knew for sure was that Mount Mayon would have to wait.
First stop: Giant Statue of Nuestra Señora de Salvación
It’s confirmed.
I’m a disaster magnet.
Everything was going perfectly in the days leading up to our Albay trip.
The whole week was sunny and bright, suggesting that our trip to Albay would go smoothly.
But it rained cats and dogs the night before our tour of Albay.
After our driver picked us up at our hotel, we went to the first stop of our Albay tour: Giant Statue of Nuestra Señora de Salvacion.

Our driver said this is one of the best places to see the perfectly conical shape of Mount Mayon.
He pointed in the direction of Mount Mayon, and all I could see was a massive white blanket covering a mountain.
Mount Mayon was there.
I could see hints of her shape, behind a thick shroud of clouds.

It felt like she was teasing us.
I said we’d have to wait for her to show up.
Minutes passed, and she still didn’t budge.
Seconds dragged on like hours.
Yet, somehow, it felt like this experience was teaching us a valuable life lesson.
I thought this experience would also be a masterclass in the art of waiting.

And indeed it was teaching us the value of patience.
I admit. I have been fairly impatient these days.
We live in a world that thrives on speed.
From Wi-Fi to food deliveries, we expect everything to be fast and easy.

And I, unintentionally, have adapted to the fast-paced modern life.
I forgot to take things slow.
I forgot that the most profound experiences and things happen in slow moments and the slow burn.
As I waited patiently for Mount Mayon to show up, I remembered how I got my promotion a couple of years ago.

My promotion didn’t happen overnight.
It was over a decade in the making, with countless struggles, failures, and even sleepless nights.
To get what you want in life, you have to be persistent and master the art of waiting.
Moments later, the immense clouds moved, giving us a glimpse of the perfectly conical shape of Mount Mayon.
Though it wasn’t perfect, it was a moment of bliss.

Soon, Mount Mayon was once again covered in thick and immovable clouds.
The driver, then, suggested moving to our next stop since it would give us a better chance of seeing the iconic volcano.
And so, we heeded his advice and went on with our Albay day tour.
Second stop: ATV Mount Mayon
It suddenly became sunny when we arrived at an ATV adventure park in Albay.
I guess this was the Universe’s way of rewarding us for our patience and persistence.
I checked the view again, and Mount Mayon was still covered in thick clouds.
Since Mount Mayon wasn’t in the mood for an appearance, we decided to go on a little ATV adventure.
Led by two young guides, we followed a trail that led us to a grassy area with a good view of Mount Mayon.
Unfortunately for us, it suddenly went from sunny and bright to gray and cloudy.
Nevertheless, we had a blast riding the ATVs.
After a short photo-op, we decided to go back to the base to proceed with our Albay day tour.

But there was a twist to this fun-filled adventure in Albay.
On our way back to the base, the skies opened up and unleashed a heavy downpour.
The ATV Mayon Volcano ride, all of a sudden, became a wet and wild adventure.

It was an insanely fun ride, but I knew this downpour would be a setback to our goal for that day.
Third stop: Cagsawa Ruins
Things were off to a good start.
We had a clear view of Mount Mayon just on our first stop of our day tour in Albay.
I know it wasn’t perfect, but it was good enough to get our hopes up.
It felt like we were just one step away from the finish line.
It was so close, I could almost taste it.
Earlier, I told the driver that we only came to Albay to witness Mount Mayon in her glory.
That was it.
As simple as that.
I even said that he could drive us straight to the airport the moment she finally showed up.
There was no need for a full tour of Albay, I said.
Just one glimpse of Mountain Mayon in her perfection, and we’d return home happy.
But, like most of my trips, things were not going my way for this Albay tour.

It wouldn’t be an adventure without any setbacks and challenges.
So, there we were at Cagsawa Ruins.

Instead of ranting and complaining, we made the most of our experience.

We tried the wonderfully bizarre chili ice cream and explored the Cagsawa ruins.

We also went to the souvenir shops, selling souvenirs and Mount Mayon art.
Furthermore, we went inside a garden and admired the volcano.

Occasionally, she shows up, teasing us with her majestic and symmetrical cone shape.
Maybe this was it.

Perhaps, this was the moment we had been waiting for in the past month.
And just when we thought she’d fully reveal herself, the clouds covered her.
For some reason, it didn’t bother me at all.
I just saw it as practice for real-life situations.

Because, in a way, it was teaching us to be patient, an important skill in a world that’s all about instant gratification.
And here’s the thing.
Patience is more than just waiting.
It’s the ability to remain hopeful, focused, and calm while we’re in the middle of a process.
Yes, waiting can be uncomfortable, but it’s a skill that can transform your life in many ways.
Ever made a quick decision you regretted later?
Acting too quickly can often lead to mistakes, missed opportunities, or even conflict.
But when you’re patient, you give yourself time to think everything through.
Patience gives you time and space to evaluate your options, consider possible outcomes, and make decisions you won’t regret.
And so far, our experience in waiting for Mount Mayon has taught us to manage our emotions, control our reactions, and remain calm under pressure.
From the garden, we went back to the ruins to snap more photos.

Hungry, we decided to leave the site and looked for an affordable place to eat lunch.

Maybe, Lady Luck would be on our side on the next stop.

After lunch: A view of Mount Mayon
Finally, she showed up.
It wasn’t perfect, but it had been the best view of Mount Mayon, so far.
We weren’t in a good spot to snap a photo of the volcano, so we decided to do it at the next stop.
Along the way, I kept admiring her beauty.
She was immense, grand, and spectacular.
Mount Mayon kind of reminds me of the view of Mount Apo from Lake Venado.
This has to be it.
It took us hours to wait for her to appear.
Just as things went our way, the immense clouds decided to spoil our experience, covering her in a thick white blanket.
Fourth Stop: Sumlang Lake
I had a good feeling we’d see the full beauty of Mount Mayon from Sumlang Lake.
After all, she briefly appeared on our way to this lake.
I talked to our driver and asked where we’d go next.
He said we had 2 stops left on our customized Albay tour.
He also said we couldn’t go to Daraga Church because we’d miss our flight if we tried to go there.
Then, it hit me.

What if Mount Mayon was teaching us another lesson?
What if Mount Mayon wanted us to see the other wonders of Albay?
We have been so focused on seeing her beauty that we skipped the other attractions in Albay.
It’s like how we’re sometimes so focused on our big goals that we forget to enjoy the journey.
Maybe she kept herself hidden, so we’d pay attention to the other beauties around us.
And isn’t that just like life?
I mean.
We spend so much time at work, hoping to become wealthy and successful, that we forget to appreciate the things surrounding us.
We forgot to spend quality time with our family.
We forgot to indulge in our hobbies.
And we forgot to admire the little things that make the world beautiful.
I’m guilty of this, and it’s something that I have to keep working on.
So, I checked the attractions of the lake and saw a bunch of whimsical and colorful spots.
They looked great, but they weren’t my cup of tea.
I’m more of a clumsy adventure seeker who prefers to climb mountains and explore caves.
And thankfully, the next stops would satisfy my adventure cravings.
Bicol International Airport: On our way home
I love hanging out at airports after every trip.
It’s relaxing, and gives me time to reflect on my adventures.
Plus, it gives me time to review all the snapshots of my experiences.
As I reflected on my day, I suddenly remembered why I was here.
The reason I was here, exploring Albay, was because of a canceled flight in Bacolod months ago.
Thanks to the abrupt cancellation, the airline gave me free flights to any domestic destination of my choice.

And I used those flights to get an opportunity to see Mount Mayon.
My ex-girlfriend was right.
There’s a reason for everything.
And perhaps, there’s a reason why our Albay trip didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to be.
Maybe this was a chapter that leads to another chapter in a story crafted by the Universe.
I guess I have to trust the process, and let the Universe do his magic.
Fifth stop: Quitinday Hills and a different view of Mount Mayon
I could hear my heart pounding so loudly.
My legs were on fire and had just warmed up.
The hike was supposed to be easy, but we had to quicken the pace because we were short on time.
After climbing the concrete stairs, we saw two observation decks with 360-degree views of the area.
We decided to climb the first one and were mesmerized by the view.
The whole area looks a bit like Chocolate Hills and the view from Casino Peak.

As for Mount Mayon?
Well, she was all covered in clouds.
We noticed that the second observation deck had a better view of Mount Mayon.
And maybe she would grant us our wish to see her.
So, we descended from the hill and ran as fast as we could to the second observation deck.
And as expected, there was no clear view of Mount Mayon.
But that’s okay.

Sometimes, even the kindest and most patient people don’t get a happy ending.
And not every wait ends with a dreamy or spectacular view.
The reality is, life and travel are no fairy tales.
Mount Mayon never showed up that day.
There was no grand reveal and no parting of clouds.
Was I disappointed?
Yes, without a doubt.
But guess what?
I had no regrets at all.
This trip wasn’t just about Mayon’s perfect cone.
It was about lessons.

It was about the people I met, the wild ride on the ATV, the sweet taste of chili ice cream, and the unique beauty of Albay.
Sometimes, you don’t get the view you’re hoping for.
But you get something better, like a new perspective.
I didn’t get to see Mayon’s perfect cone, but I saw something more meaningful.
You see.
I’m proud of my achievements.
I’m proud of all the trophies, the milestones, and the once-impossible dreams I’ve managed to chase down and claim as my own.
Of course, these things matter.
They’re proof that I’ve done something right in this crazy life.
But honestly, I’m even prouder of the person I’ve become.
I’m proud of the grit I didn’t know I had and the patience I didn’t think I could muster.
And I’m damn proud of the resilience that grows through detours, wrong turns, and pain.
Mount Mayon symbolizes all of that.
It’s a mirror and reflection of every struggle, setback, and self-doubt I’ve faced.
Seeing Mount Mayon was a childhood dream.
Back then, it was just a pipedream and an experience that only existed in my fantasies.
I’d see it in textbooks, TV shows, postcards, and blogs.
I wanted to see Magayon with my own eyes, to stand in its presence and feel the beauty that words can’t describe.
But I’ve realized that the journey to get there is far more important than the destination itself.
It’s canceled flights, the persistent waiting, and the moments of doubt.
And it’s the blood, tears, and sweat to get yourself in a position where you can travel and see something as iconic as Mount Mayon.
It’s in those moments where growth happens.
That’s where I learned patience, persistence, and the art of letting go.
It’s easy to focus on the peak, but life doesn’t happen at the summit.
It happens on the trails, the side roads, and the unexpected delays that test your will.
So, yes, I’m proud I’ve seen Mount Mayon.
But I’m even prouder of the man who made it to Albay and spent the whole day waiting for her.
I’m proud of the man who learned to stop chasing perfection and started embracing progress.
And I’m happy to become a person who knows that every dream is a journey and every journey changes you.
Mount Mayon didn’t just fulfill one of my dreams. It completely redefined it.
Is Mount Mayon an active volcano?
Mount Mayon is one of the most active volcanoes not only in the Philippines but in the whole world. It’s constantly monitored by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS).
When did Mount Mayon last erupt?
As of this writing, Mount Mayon last erupted on February 4, 2024.
Why do tourists visit Albay?
People travel to Albay to witness the immense beauty of Mayon Volcano. However, there’s so much more to Albay than its iconic cone-shaped volcano. You can spend days here exploring stunning sites, like Cagsawa Ruins.
How to tour Albay?
There are many tricycles in Albay that offer affordable and convenient tours. I recommend sir Alvin if you prefer to go with this route. You can contact him at 09171104386 or through this Facebook profile.
