• Hiking: Mother Nature’s Antidote To Depression

    Hiking: Mother Nature’s Antidote To Depression

    We were born on earth totally clueless, expecting our world to be a gorgeous paradise where everything sparkles and people are really nice to one another. Optimistic and sprightly, we try to build a life that would mirror our dreams and aspirations. But, then, reality strikes, and we become slaves to stress and our work. Slowly, depression hits, and we find ourselves hopeless and in dire need of help. And, make no mistake about it – depression is a silent, cold-blooded killer. The way I see it, depression is a serious illness that should not be taken lightly.  For the past couple of years, there have been quite a lot…

  • 15 Amazingly Exciting Things To Do In Toledo, Cebu

    17 Amazingly Exciting Things To Do In Toledo, Cebu

    My first visit to Toledo city is the embodiment of the saying “there’s beauty in the unknown”. A few years ago, nobody thought this city would turn into a booming adventure epicenter for travelers, nature lovers and thrill seekers. Heck, even locals and residents said that there aren’t interesting and worthwhile things to do in Toledo. Truthfully, Toledo didn’t even make it in my own Cebu travel wish list. Even so, I decided to dive into the unknown, and explore the place they aptly nicknamed as “Copper City with a heart of gold”.  And, guess what? After unleashing my inner explorer, I’ve discovered plenty of striking natural marvels as well…

  • Cadapdapan Rice Terraces And Can-Umantad Falls: Bohol’s Insanely Enchanting Combo

    Cadapdapan Rice Terraces And Can-Umantad: An Insanely Enchanting Combo

    There’s something about rice terraces that make them so irresistible to me. With its symmetry, engineering mastery and eye-catching shades of green, I find these man-made marvels extremely interesting and visually appealing. Once, I’ve even considered taking a costly day trip from Cebu to Bohol, just to see Candijay’s Cadapdapan Rice Terraces. Every time I see it, I feel like I’m under a spell, entranced by its sheer beauty. And, when it’s paired with a striking natural wonder like a towering waterfall, it surely feels pure and unadulterated bliss for me. And speaking of which, the Cadapdapan Rice Terraces have been on my never-ending Bohol travel wish-list for the past…

  • Travel

    Binabaje Hills, Bohol: Soaking Up Alicia’s Strikingly Surreal Beauty

    In a fast-paced world where everyone’s rushing, patience has become a rare virtue. Whether it’s queuing up at a fast-food or searching for info on places like Binabaje Hills, we want everything to be available in the blink of an eye. When we turn on the laptop and the page is loading a bit longer than usual, we call the broadband provider and whine. And, if we want to spark a little excitement in our monotonous life, we look for a quick, unhealthy short-term fix, and develop messy behaviors, like excessive drinking, shopping and even taking drugs. But, the thing is, being patient, amid the hustle bustle city grind, comes…