• Mimbalot Falls: The Art Of Finding Joy In The Simple Things

    Mimbalot Falls: The Art Of Finding Joy In The Simple Things

    How does a waterfall this gorgeous stay a secret? And how can something so easy to find feel so undiscovered? Mimbalot Falls is one of those places that seem like a world away. Even though it’s pretty accessible, it somehow feels untouched and like a local secret. Before we arrived at the parking lot of Mimbalot Falls, I expected a busy, chaotic scene. After all, it’s arguably the most accessible waterfall in the “City of Waterfalls”.  I even thought it had that typical public beach-like vibe, with rows of vendors and karaoke machines playing Michael Jordan highlights. But I was wrong. The moment I arrived at Mimbalot Falls, I instantly…

  • Quitinday Hills And Nature Park: The Beauty Of An Average Life

    Quitinday Hills And Nature Park: The Beauty Of An Average Life

    Sometimes, the most beautiful things are the ones you nearly overlook. Standing at the top of Quitinday Hills and Nature Park, I felt like a foolish hopeless romantic, chasing my dream girl.  Throughout the day, I waited for the clouds to disappear, hoping Mayon Volcano would finally reveal itself in all her glory.  But in my relentless pursuit of that perfect shot and moment, I almost missed what was quietly waiting around me.  It wasn’t the iconic, postcard-worthy view I had imagined. But guess what? It was something even better.  It was something that wouldn’t go viral on Instagram but would leave an imprint on my soul. Quitinday Hills reminded…

  • Marawi: Where Beauty Blooms In the Shadows Of War

    Marawi: Where Beauty Blooms In The Shadows Of War

    Why Marawi? Why choose to explore a remote city with a tragic past? With no iconic attractions and a scarred history, Marawi is definitely an unusual choice. After all, the Philippines offers so much more, from Palawan’s gorgeous beaches to Bohol’s postcard-worthy rolling hills. Yet, I chose this hauntingly beautiful and deeply unique city. Maybe it’s because it’s unlike anything I’ve seen before. Or perhaps I was drawn by a desire to learn more about our Muslim brothers and immerse myself in their culture. The truth is, I’m not exactly sure why Marawi intrigued me so deeply.  Yes, the city isn’t exactly known as the safest in the country. Its…

  • Tops Cebu: A Love Letter To Nostalgia And Change

    Tops Cebu: A Love Letter To Nostalgia And Change

    Some places are best left as memories. You hold on to them, avoiding a second visit, because you don’t want to risk rewriting the perfect story. That was Tops Cebu, for me. For years, I stayed away from Tops Lookout in Cebu City, clinging to my memories like they were precious artifacts. The last time I was there was in the 1990s when life was so much simpler, and Tops Busay Cebu felt like a secret kept by the emerald mountains. It was a local icon and a magical place where youngsters gathered for deep talks over cheap beer. It was where lovebirds shared sweet moments and whispered promises under…