Lessons From The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Novels can be eye-opening and incredibly inspiring. With their spellbinding plots and fascinating characters, they transport us into alternative universes and take us on epic adventures. What’s more, these books help shape our future, give us new perspectives and influence the way we think. And, the most powerful stories, just like The Five People You Meet In Heaven, even change our lives forever.
Sure, there are plenty of things you can learn from the self-help section. But, oftentimes, the best and most impactful words of wisdom come from a page-turning fiction novel.
And, the Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom is, no doubt, one of those books. For some people, this Mitch Albom book can help them see the world a bit differently.
But, the thing I really like about this book is that it mirrors some of my philosophies and beliefs. Like the book’s main character, I’ve met a few people who have changed my perception of life.
While reading the book, I felt like all the five people in heaven are a metaphor of my experiences in life.
That’s why I was so inspired to write about my thoughts of The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom.
From the synopsis to my personal interpretations, I’ve rounded some nuggets of information about this Mitch Albom book that might intrigue you.

The Five People You Meet In Heaven Synopsis
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom is a story that follows the life and death of Eddie – an amusement park employee and a war veteran.
On his 83rd birthday, Eddie died in an accident in an attempt to save a little girl’s life. After his heroic death, Eddie went on a journey in heaven, where he meets five people who made a big impact in his life.
In every counter, Eddie and us – the readers – learn a practical lesson as we go through the journey we call life.
What are the 5 lessons Eddie learns in heaven?
- Everything happens for a reason
- Sacrifices make an impact in the lives of other people
- Forgiveness
- The essence of love
- Every human life has a purpose
Lesson 1: We are all intertwined in some way
No act or moment is random. No matter how insignificant it seems, everything we do leaves an impact or imprint in our world.
In this part of the story, the Blue Man teaches us that an act that you might think is random can actually greatly change the lives of many people.
Furthermore, the Blue Man of the Five People You Meet in Heaven shares that no human life is a waste since bad events can result in positive things.
I really enjoy this part of the story because it echoes some of my experiences in life.
In my adventures, I have stumbled upon a few people who unconsciously have created ripples that extend beyond their own sphere.
Once, I met a stranger named Allan who has somewhat triggered a series of exhilarating escapades and outreach programs.
From Manayon’s Peak to Bungtod Talinis, we discovered a bevy of hidden treasures, thanks to Allan.
And, of course, there’s Jonah, a hiker whom I bumped into as I was hiking Kandungaw Peak. Not only did she become a good friend, but she also encouraged me to read a few Mitch Albom books.
And, now you’re reading this post all because I met Jonah on one sunny day in the highlands of Cebu.
As this Mitch Albom book suggests, we are all intertwined in some way.

Lesson 2: The Beauty of Sacrifice
There were a lot of things that I had to give up, when my daughter made her arrival in this world.
In fact, I had to give up a bevy of job and business opportunities for her.
A few months ago, I had to refuse a rewarding job offer in Japan because there was no one who could take care of my daughter.
At times, I was a little frustrated and stressed. Believe me, it’s not easy to give up on your dreams.
Then, like a perfectly timed message from the Universe, I read this eye-opening quote from The Five People You Meet In Heaven.
“When you sacrifice something precious, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on to someone else.”
Folks, that’s the beauty of sacrifice.

Lesson 3: The Importance of Forgiveness
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Forgiveness is one of the keys to a happy and beautiful life. In The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Eddie couldn’t move on the next phase of his journey, unless he forgives his father.
To me, this part of the story is a metaphor of life.
The reality is, you can’t move on, and enjoy a colorful life, when you’re stuck in the past.
You can’t create new memories, when your mind is cluttered with gloomy thoughts of a time gone by.
And, you can’t build new relationships when your heart overflows with anger.

Lesson 4: Lost love is still love
In The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Eddie, through his wife, learns that love doesn’t die even when a person passes away.
Love is an infinite emotion, and can’t easily be wiped away because the person leaves physically.
It may take a different form, but it’s still love. Even when someone you love dies, he or she will still live eternally in your memory. So, nurture it.

Lesson 5: The purpose of life
From his own perspective, Eddie had a disappointing and unspectacular life.
He thought he didn’t live to his potential.
And, he thought his life was a complete failure.
Eddie had big dreams, and he felt like his “mundane” life at the Ruby Pier made him a failure.
He thought that he let his wife, Marguerite, down. And, he felt like he didn’t do anything special in his life.
But, his life wasn’t a waste.
As The Five People You Meet In Heaven was about to end, Eddie met Tala, a young Filipina who revealed his true purpose in life.
Soon, Eddie realizes that he was destined to work at the Ruby Pier.
It’s not an accident, and it’s in reality the purpose of his life.
While Eddie thought his job was mundane, he actually kept thousands of kids safe for more than 40 years.
So, his life was, by no means, a waste or a failure. It was meaningful and Eddie served the Universe purposefully.

Personally, I think it’s the most important lesson in The Five People You Meet In Heaven
The thing is, we all serve a specific purpose in the Universe’s Masterplan.
The Universe has given everyone a particular role or task.
Unfortunately, some of us don’t embrace those roles because we keep comparing ourselves to others.
We envy the riches, the glamorous lifestyle and the popularity of the people we see on Social Media.
We keep comparing ourselves, in terms of wealth and lifestyle, to our neighbors and relatives.
And, sometimes, we think our life is not meaningful because we don’t own an elaborate house or a flashy car.
Modern society has poisoned our minds by suggesting that the key to a happy life is wealth.
But, our jobs and lives are all significant, even if you don’t think highly of them.
Nurses, public school teachers, janitors, jeepney drivers, farmers, street vendors – everyone has a place in the grand scheme of things.
Just imagine a world without teachers. Who will teach the kids valuable life lessons? Google? Can Google teach kids manners? Can Google act as the children’s secondary parent?
How about a world without jeepney drivers and janitors? Do you think business tycoons have time to clean toilets?
Everyone has a purpose in life. So, don’t let modern society bring you down, just because you don’t live up to their standards. Whatever your role is, embrace it.
The Universe is weaving a beautiful tapestry of life even if we all look like a bunch of mixed-up knots.
Who should read The Five People You Meet In Heaven

I definitely recommend this Mitch Albom book to everyone, especially to those who are soul searching.
It’s a short read, and is quite entertaining. Although I’m into psychological thrillers, The Five People You Meet In Heaven did fascinate me.
And, best of all, The Five People You Meet In Heaven is a treasure trove of life lessons. Truthfully, the lessons I’ve shared here are just the tip of the iceberg.

Aldrich Infantado
Thanks Sish. It’s definitely a good read.
Bill Frailey
Love how you summed up this book. My wife passed away from breast cancer a couple weeks ago and she loved this book. I have read it a while back and was trying to go back and look at lessons from the book again. You have perfectly described them. Thank you.
Aldrich Infantado
Thank you, Bill. I’m so sorry for your loss. There are no words that I can offer that will make the hurt go away. But, like the book says, there’s a reason for everything. Hang on.
All these books are so good they remind me of my best friend’s great grandmother who just past away a couple months ago