• Pink Mosque: A Spark Of Hope In A Divided World

    Pink Mosque: A Spark Of Hope In A Divided World

    Sometimes, being an unconventional thinker feels more like a curse than a blessing. My mind is always filled with ideas that seem bizarre and even blasphemous to some people. One of those so-called unusual ideas is about religion. While I was religious at several points in my life, I always thought it created more walls than bridges. How many wars in history have been caused because we cling too tightly to our beliefs? Isn’t faith meant to guide and inspire? Why, then, has something meant to unite people sometimes led to suffering and division between communities and countries? But on my recent trip to Mindanao, I found a glimpse of…

  • The Grand Mosque of Cotabato: My Escape From Life’s Relentless Chaos

    The Grand Mosque of Cotabato: My Escape From Life’s Relentless Chaos

    Ever feel like the world is moving too fast? Ever wish the world would slow down even just for a day? Some days, I wonder if we’re in a lucid dream or a simulated reality that started when the world ended in 2012. I mean. With life’s relentless pace and constant noise, the world sometimes doesn’t seem real to me. I often feel like a video game character, a zombie, or a cyborg who works endlessly and restlessly. But I’m not a freaking video game character that survives through energy packs and first aid kits. I’m a breathing human who craves knowledge, wisdom, and new experiences. I’m a dreamer, rebel,…