
From travel tips to inspiration, I have a plethora of information to travel junkies as well as those who are looking for ideas for their next trip.

  • The Enigmatic And Fascinating Stranger On The Bus To Cebu
    Philosophy,  Travel

    The Enigmatic And Fascinating Stranger On The Bus

    They say a different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you. And with the world getting smaller by the day, there are likely a thousand or even a million versions of you today. The annoying workmate, the supportive friend and the stranger you met on a foreign land – everyone you cross paths with sees and paints a different image of you. You can be a cut-throat villain in someone’s world, a harmless sheep in the eyes of your parents, or a symbol of hope to the friends who adore you. Heck, even the woman selling cigarettes on the streets creates a version of you…

  • The Secret Life of A Social Misfit
    Philosophy,  Travel

    The Secret Life of A Social Misfit

    Every new acquaintance starts with the question “what do you do for a living”. And, in an era with a high regard for successful and extraordinary lives, we always try to give a spectacular answer to impress the person asking that question. Let’s face it, we all want to be adored and become a subject of someone’s interest. Of course, nobody wants to be tagged as a social misfit.  Although the question seems like a harmless ice breaker, it’s actually one of the reasons why depression is through the roof these days.  The truth is, we’re living in a society where the level of respect you get from people depends…

  • Marmol Cliff And My Enchanting Time Travel Adventure

    Marmol Cliff And My Enchanting Time Travel Adventure

    There’s an atmosphere of fear, darkness and uncertainty everywhere in Cebu. From a welcoming land of endless summer bliss, Cebu has turned into a somber island of barricades and masked troopers. Whether you’re buying essentials in a mall or hiding in a secluded spot like Marmol Cliff, you’ll feel the wrath of Covid-19 wherever you go on our island.    Yet, even with the on-going chaos and fiasco, my enthusiasm for exploring places is spiking. And, truthfully, I’ve even been traveling to a slew of awe-inspiring places, amid the pandemic.  From the picture-perfect ruins of Ayutthaya, Thailand to enchanting Marmol Cliff in Tuburan, it’s been a whirlwind of adventure ever since…

  • Confessions Of A Disaster Magnet
    Philosophy,  Travel

    Confessions Of A Disaster Magnet

    So, where do I start? Well, I guess I should introduce myself first. I’m Aldrich, a father to a charming little girl, and I’m a bona fide disaster magnet. Throughout my life, I’ve been constantly followed by crashes, mishaps, setbacks and adversities.  Wherever I go, disaster follows me.  From a life-altering electric shock to everyday vexations, my life seems like a never-ending series of unfortunate events.                               And, that’s all because I make terrible decisions all the time.  I’m flawed.  Impulsive.  Rebellious. And, a terrible decision maker.  My records are full of blemishes, whether it’s in school or at my previous workplaces.  And, guess what? I will continue to live a…